What do School Governors do?
Governors are volunteers who have an interest in the role of schools in society and wish to make a positive contribution to their communities. School Governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Headteacher, who is reponsible for the day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies.
Key roles and responsibilities include:
- helping to shape the vision and direction of the school
- ensuring that the school fulfills its statutory duties
- having a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school and be involved in strategic planning
- 'constructively' challenging and support the school's Leadership Team.
Our school Governors meet twice in every term as a whole Governing body. In addition each governor has a specific responsibility linked to certain curriculum subjects plus SENCO, Health & safety/buildings, Safeguarding and finance.
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
Dear Parents/Carers and Friends,
I am pleased to welcome you on behalf of the Governors of Tenbury Primary Academy.
Our Governing body is made up of local people who have a wealth of experience to offer and are fully committed to supporting the Head teacher and all the Staff in making Tenbury Primary Academy a safe, caring and happy environment in which every child is actively encouraged to achieve their full potential.
As a Church of England school we have a strong Christian ethos and as well as preparing our children academically we aim to make them confident , caring and understanding of others, aware of the world around them and prepared for the challenges ahead.
The Governing body will always strive to challenge, provide strategic direction and constantly evaluate the School, thus ensuring that pupils at Tenbury Primary have the very best opportunities that are available.
It is a privilege to be involved with such an inspiring place of learning and to celebrate the achievements of our children.
Mark Yarnold
Chair of Governors
My name is Mark Yarnold and I am married to Anne. We have two children Ben and Kate who both attended Tenbury Primary School.This is where my involvement with the school all began back in 2003 when I started as a Parent Governor. When the children left the school I stayed and became a Community Governor.I have chaired both the Resources committee and premises committee as it was called then, and for several years took the role of Maths Link Governor.
Anne and I run a small business from our home in Burford selling quad bikes.We have a main Yamaha franchise which involves selling new and used quad bikes mainly to farmers and smallholders. We have a shop and workshop where we sell parts and accessories and service and repairs.
My main hobby is music and I am a member of Tenbury Town band, where I play the trumpet and have the honour of being the Band President. I became Chair of Governors in 2013, a role which I feel very privileged to fulfill.