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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Tenbury C of E Primary Academy

'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.'

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Religious Education at Tenbury CE Primary Academy


At Tenbury Church of England Primary Academy, the teaching and learning of Religious Education takes into account the Christian ethos of the school. In the life of the school there is evidence of Christianity as a living faith, and a clear expression of Christian values is given. The school values every child as a part of God’s creation and ensures spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth. The school seeks to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with our local church.


RE prepares pupils for living in a multi-faith society through learning about Christianity and other religions, it offers opportunities for reflection, and it challenges pupils to consider, analyse and evaluate issues. We aim to understand that there are differing worldviews which affect people's understanding of situations. 


RE enhances the curriculum through broadening the knowledge and understanding of the key faiths that exist in our world today. This knowledge helps enhance understanding of physical, social and health related education thus making pupils compassionate and tolerant to those different or similar to themselves.


RE promotes values such as truth, justice, respect and it contributes to pupils' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, Citizenship and PSHE education. It also promotes key skills and other opportunities.


RE will help our children in the future to understand the religious diversity in our local and global communities, allowing them to grow up respecting and celebrating both differences and similarities. This knowledge also empowers them to be confident in their own beliefs and spirituality, as well as feeling confident with their place in the world.


- Mrs K. Hickman (Tenbury Primary Academy Religious Education Lead)

We follow the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus and supplement units using RE Todays ‘Understanding Christianity.’ Children are taught a new topic/unit each half term and this learning takes place in discrete RE lessons.

‘Understanding Christianity’ allows children to develop their own understanding of Christianity through exploring key theological concepts. It aims to develop pupils’ abilities to explore, reflect and evaluate the contribution of Christianity within their own lives, the school and the wider community within which we live.

At Tenbury Primary we work closely with St. Mary's Church in Tenbury Wells and children visit regularly to support teaching and learning. We have also developed close links with the wider community and children visit workshops hosted by several local churches in nearby Ludlow such as 'Experience Easter' and 'Experience Resurrection'. To support children’s understanding of other world faiths we also take children to visit a Mosque in Worcester, a Mandhir in Dudley and a Synagogue in Birmingham.

What do our pupils think about RE? 


'I like RE because you learn about the world and how to make it a better place.'


'RE helps me learn about different people's worldviews.'


'I like RE because you learn about God and Jesus. I liked learning about Advent. I enjoy learning about other religions.'


'I have learnt that my friend believes in God. It's okay to have different beliefs.'


'RE is really fun because I like learning about people.'


'RE makes me happy and it's brilliant!'