Clubs for the Autumn Term 2024
First half term:
Netball Y5/6 (Mrs Reeves/Miss George)
Basketball Y3/Y4 (Mr Bufton)
Choir Y3,4,5,6 (Mr Bryant)
Second half term:
Netball Y5/6 (Mrs Reeves/Miss George)
Basketball Y4/Y3 (Mr Bufton)
Choir Y3,4,5,6 (Mr Bryant)
Thursday lunchtime - Prayer Club (Mrs Bryant)
All of the above clubs are free and are run on a voluntary basis.
In addition, Dance Club with Janene is every Thursday for all age groups.
Breakfast Club and the After School Childcare Club continue to offer a range of activities each day.
Clubs for the Autumn Term 2023
First half term:
Netball Y5/6 (Mrs Reeves)
Cross Country Y5/6 (Mr Griffiths/Ms Thomas)
Basketball Y4 (Mr Jones)
Choir Y3,4,5,6 (Mr Bryant)
Second half term:
Cross Country Y5/6 (Mr Griffiths/Ms Thomas)
Basketball Y4/Y3 (Mr Jones)
Choir Y3,4,5,6 (Mr Bryant)
Thursday lunchtime - Prayer Club (Mrs Bryant)
All of the above clubs are free and are run on a voluntary basis.
Breakfast Club and the After School Childcare Club continue to offer a range of activities each day.
Clubs for the Summer Term 2023:
Cool Kids (Mrs Baker/Miss Dallow)
Cricket (Mr Jones)
Rounders (Mr Griffiths)
Dominoes (Mr Griffiths - lunchtime)
Choir (Mr Bryant)
Thursday lunchtime - Prayer Club (Mrs Bryant)
Monday after school- Y6 Homework Club (Mrs Gittens/Mrs Phelps) up until SATs in May
All of the above clubs are free and are run on a voluntary basis.
Breakfast Club and the After School Childcare Club continue to offer a range of activities each day. Both clubs are extremely popular!
Clubs for the Spring Term 2022
Y5/6 - Football 3.30-4.30pm
Y5/6 - Film-making 3.30-4.30pm
Y3 - Archery - Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm
Y3,4,5 Streetdance - Tuesday 3.30-4.40pm
KS1 Multi-sports - Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm
Y4/Y5/Y6 Cross Country - Thursday 3.30-4.30pm
Y3,4,5,6 Choir - Friday 3.30-4.15pm
Y6 Choir - Friday - continues until 5pm
Lunchtime Club:
Thursday and Friday lunchtimes - Subbuteo Club for Y4 and Y5
Clubs change from term to term depending on seasons, weather and staff availability.
Year 1 & Year 2 Kool Kids Club - Monday 3.30-4.30pm
KS2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6) Cross Country Club - Monday 3.30pm-4.30pm
KS2 (Y3, y4, Y5 & Y6) Netball Club - Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm
KS2 Girls' Football Club - Wednesday 3.30pm - 4.30pm
KS2 Choir: Friday 3.30-4.15pm