Our Values
Christian values underpin everything that we do at Tenbury Primary Academy and are at the heart of all aspects of school life. We have identified twelve core Christian values and each half term one of these values is highlighted and focused upon within our daily acts of worship and in our lessons: Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship, Respect, Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service and Truthfulness. In addition, in 2020/21, we added Wisdom, Hope, Community, Dignity, Peace and Joy. 'Hope' was the value we decided to start the Autumn Term 2020 with, as children returned to school following Covid 19 lockdowns and we were able to focus on a positive message of hope and aspiration for the future. In Autumn 2021, we decided to start with the value of 'Community', as we have become stronger as a community throughout the pandemic, with children, parents, staff and governors working together to support one another. We really have lived out our school motto in action:
'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up'
Thessalonians 5:11
We look out for examples of our Christian values in action, with children being rewarded with special stickers for each value, which are on display in each classroom. We believe that with everyone encouraging and supporting each other in this way, it really does make our school a very special place!