Puma Class (Y6)
Pumas News - 10th January 2024-2025
Puma News - Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to Persevering Puma Class!
We are the hardworking and helpful Puma Class. We have several roles of responsibility now that we are in our final year of our primary education. Our class teachers are Mrs. Gittens and Ms. Archer and our class-teaching assistant is Mrs. Bannister. As we are the oldest, we are in the upstairs classroom, which is great. We even have old-fashioned desks; Mrs. Gittens and Ms. Archer think they are a super way for us to keep our things organised.
As we are now in year 6, we understand the importance of us being good role models for the rest of the children in the school and of course, we know we will be working hard throughout the year to prepare us for SATS (we can’t wait to have a breakfast!) and for High School.
This year, we will be covering a range of topics for example; the Vikings and Space and on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we participate in P.E. As a way to celebrate our time in primary school, we will be very excited to take part in our end of year production at The Regal Theatre in Tenbury!