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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Tenbury C of E Primary Academy

'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.'

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Eco committee

Fantastic News! We have achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag Award!

Our newest member of Eco Warriors - Rosie, our school dog!

We have a trusty band of pupil 'Eco Warriors' in school, who are passionate about caring for our environment and helping everyone in our school family take action to save energy, re-cycle and look after our school site and wider community as much as possible. We are currently working towards achieving the Eco School Green Flag Award!


So far we have been able to:

  • Put re-cycling bins in our classrooms, corridors and staff room so that we now recycle plastic, glass and paper. Since December 2021, we have doubled the amount of recycling and halved the amount of waste we send to landfill each week.
  • Create posters on global warming, the effects of climate change and the importance of recycling. We have also shared these with the children in our partner school in Tanzania - Maramba A Primary!
  • Create a gardening area with raised beds, where we can grow our own fruit and vegetables over the year.
  • Put compost bins in this gardening area, where we now compost our fruit waste (and the tea-bags from the staff room!)
  • Clear all the fallen leaves from our school site in the Autumn and store them to create leaf mould for our growing beds.
  • Replace all of our lighting in school with more energy efficient LED lights, some of which are now on sensors so are only on when someone walks in.
  • Hold a Q&A session with our local MP, Harriet Baldwin, on climate change issues, before the Cop 26 Summit took place in Glasgow.
  • Make a 'Forest of Promises', where every pupil in our school made a promise to help slow down climate change (eg. I will not leave the tap running when cleaning my teeth) and wrote this on a leaf shape. Some of these were then sent to the Leaders at COP 26.
  • Hold a 'Plant a Tree' Day  every year, where everyone comes dressed in tree colours and the money raised is enough to plant over 200 trees annually!
  • Each class has two 'Power Down Champions' who are responsible for turning off classroom lights etc.
  • We have regular litter picks around our school site.
  • We have created natural habitats for birds and insects around our school including bird feeders and a bug hotel.


Eco Warrior plans for 2024/2025:

  • Continue to have regular Litter-Picks around our school site and then into our local community - Tenbury Wells
  • Share our ideas on saving water with the rest of the school and create posters for all toilets in school
  • Create further natural habitats for birds and insects around our school site and possibly a wormery to support Gardening Club.
  • Monitor our weather to measure patterns and possible changes over time - we now have a weather station and new equipment such as thermometers and pressure gauges in our Climate Curriculum Kit!
  • Try and find funding for more bicycle/scooter racks to encourage more families out of their cars!

See us in action!